Multi-State Lotteries

Multi-state lotteries are games which are available in various jurisdictions across the U.S. In Michigan, you can play the multi-state lotteries Powerball, Mega Millions and Lucky for Life. They offer bigger prizes than state lotteries, as so much more money is raised from ticket sales. Find out more about these games below and select a link for more information, including multi-state lottery numbers.

Powerball Logo

Played in Michigan and 44 other states, plus the jurisdictions of Washington D.C, the US Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico, Powerball holds the record for producing the world’s largest lottery jackpot after giving away more than $2 billion in November 2022.

About Powerball
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Mega Millions Logo

Mega Millions can be played in 45 states, including Michigan, plus Washington D.C and the US Virgin Islands. Like Powerball, the game has a starting jackpot of $20 million and the top prize regularly climbs into nine figures. It has even gone past $1 billion a couple of times.

About Mega Millions
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Lucky for Life Logo

Lucky for Life is available in a total of 23 jurisdictions. There are 10 prize tiers, with a jackpot that works differently to other games. Instead of a one-off prize or payouts over a fixed period of time, Lucky for Life’s top winners receive $1,000 every day for the rest of their life.

About Lucky for Life
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per year for life

The Multi State Lottery Association

The Multi-State Lottery Association (MUSL) is an organisation which oversees the operation of games such as Powerball. It is made up of a number of state lotteries, and each member must agree before changes can be made to any MUSL game.

The Michigan Lottery is not part of the MUSL. It had been a member of the Mega Millions consortium when that game started in September 1996. Originally, states were only allowed to offer either Powerball or Mega Millions, but not both. However, an agreement was reached in 2009 between the MUSL and the Mega Millions consortium, allowing states to sell tickets for both. Powerball went on sale in Michigan the following January. The Michigan Lottery joined Lucky or Life in January 2015.